I recently switched from TrueNAS Core to TrueNAS Scale after reading about ix-System’s stance on FreeBSD development. As much as I love FreeBSD, I really just wanted a turnkey solution for my NAS needs at home and honestly I was getting a little sick of keeping custom jails for different applications I need. Their ‘plugin’ system was beginning to become stale/unmaintained and more reliant on community repos, which in most cases I WOULD LOVE but I evenetually was just making them custom through jails and ehhhh I don’t have time to keep up with that.

ANNNNYWAYS since Scale handles this in docker instead, there are TONS of pre-made/updatable solutions that just seem more robust than jails (yes yes I know that jails have positives and opportunities, I just don’t care for these things). All the Arrs were there and really easy to set up, but I wanted my transmission to be killswitch’d to a VPN connection ONLY for uh, various reasons. I found transmission-openvpn which does exactly this AND gets pre-configured to work with PIA.

Okay okay, what settings do I use?

Okay fine fine, here are my settings to set up a custom ‘app’ through docker. If I don’t specify certain fields, they were the defaults/I didn’t touch them.

Container Images

Container Environment Variables

  • OPENVPN_CONFIG: your PIA country, I picked sweden
  • OPENVPN_PASSWORD: your PIA password
  • LOCAL_NETWORK: Your comma delimited IP range(s) where you will access locally (ex.

Port Forwarding

  • Container Port: 9091
  • Node Port: 9091
  • Protocol: TCP


Host Path Volumes

  • /data: Somewhere on your NAS


  • /config: config

Workload Details



Portal Configuration

Enable WebUI Portal

  • Port 9091

Hope this helps someone else! Setting up custom dockers through the Scale WebUI were actually easier than I thought!