Ion Fury

I’ll be honest, I’ve been playing this on and off for probably years since it came out. Not because it’s a bad game, because it’s a GREAT game. My tldr review right now is if you love Build Engine games like Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Blood, etc then you’ll love this, especially from the level design. But as much as I really wanted to 10/10 TRUE GAMER the whole thing, I think there are a few gameplay things that leave it from being better than it could be. ...

December 8, 2022 · 9 min · 1743 words · Hans Z

Neon White is an incredibly addictive speedrun rush

If you took Trackmania + John Wick + wacky Anime plot, you’d get this gem. I really don’t have anything to say about the plot and dialog, because I skipped LITERALLY all of it. The gameplay is what did it for me, because like HOLY SHIT this is like definition of video game for me. tldr Ratings: First Time Playing Yup Play Time 13hrs Difficulty Gold medal’d everything, most Aces too 100% Completion Yes, besides the extra marathon trials Fun 10 / 10 Confusing Anime plot 10 / 10 Jank 2 / 10 This game has: ...

August 30, 2022 · 4 min · 760 words · Hans Z

Blue Fire

tldr Ratings First Time Playing Yup Play Time 15hrs 100% Completion Yes Fun 9 / 10 Collecting Stuff 9 / 10 Jank 5 / 10 Blue Fire is a 3D Metroidvania Platformer that combines Zelda, Dark Souls, and PS2 era/Super Mario 64-esque platforming into a pretty cohesive and really fun package. It definitely wears all of its influences front and center, where I felt instead of me thinking they were “copying” certain tropes/ideas from other games, I felt more like they were playing homage or tribute to everything they got inspired from. ...

August 26, 2022 · 6 min · 1146 words · Hans Z


tldr Ratings First Time Playing Yup Play Time 11hrs 100% Completion Nope Fun 7.2 / 10 Collecting Stuff 8 / 10 Jank 5 / 10 Didn’t finish it. Wasn’t a huge fan to be honest. Okay I take that back. I AM a fan, but probably not in the way the devs wanted. I really wanted to love it, there’s a LOT of great stuff here. But the focus (or lack of) wasn’t vibing with me. ...

June 11, 2022 · 6 min · 1082 words · Hans Z

Dandara: Trials of Fear

tldr Ratings First Time Playing Yup Play Time 7-8hrs 100% Completion Might as well have Fun 8 / 10 Collecting Stuff 9 / 10 Jank 3 / 10 I’ll be honest, indie platformers are a dime a dozen these days and even though I LOVE the genre, it just gets so saturated with mid-tier efforts, trying to be “retro” too hard, or just lacks atmosphere. I bought Dandara on whim, I knew nothing about it at all. I searched on GOG “Metroidvania”, went “oh that has some fast paced jank” to myself, and gave it a chance. I also bought this with the “Trials of Fear” DLC already attached, and I’m not really sure what is DLC and what is vanilla so, /shrug. ...

May 17, 2022 · 6 min · 1220 words · Hans Z